Adult Team – Ages 18+

We paddle all year long and form racing teams for competition in the spring, summer, and fall. All ages over 18 are welcome. Anyone that wants to enjoy the beautiful water, have fun, appreciates a team activity, wants a great workout, and wants to meet great people is a candidate for our club.


Teams practice once a week after Daylight Savings ends, and twice weekly on Sundays and Wednesdays during Daylight Savings Time (March through September).  Practice times are currently 8:30-10:30 am on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45 pm. Wednesdays are reserved for members only, but guests are always welcome to attend Sunday practices with advance notice and after a waiver is signed! We also have monthly full-moon paddles on the Wednesday evening the week of the full moon when the weather is right! Due to the need to balance the boats and facilitate orderly loading, it is crucial that all members attending practice sign up via the team scheduling application “Team Snap,” and all guests schedule their attendance with an active member or contact us at:

You are invited to try it out FREE up to two times before making a decision to join our club. Our objective is to have fun while paddling at our best, so if this sounds like fun, then try it out!

Annual membership is $150 and includes:

  • LAHDBC Membership
  • Enrollment in Team Snap
  • Club Race T-Shirt (new members)
  • Use of team boats, paddle and personal flotation device (PFD)

Race participation is optional and costs approximately $30-40 per race.  We participate in several races across Southern California annually.

Youth Team – Ages 12-17

This is a team sport where paddlers work together to race the dragon boat to the finish line.

Join us and have fun on the water and in the sun, making new friends while getting some good exercise on Sunday mornings for practice with the Adult Team at 8:30 to 10:30. During the Spring, Summer, and Fall, there are additional practices available in the evening from 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm.

Come see our beautiful beachfront facility and our dragon boats and give it a try. You can try up to two times before deciding to commit.


Annual membership is only $75 for youth and includes:

  • LAHDBC Membership
  • Enrollment in Team Snap
  • Club Race T-Shirt (new members)
  • Long Beach DB Festival Entrance Fee (if applicable)
  • Use of team boats, paddle and personal flotation device (PFD)

Contact us at for more information!

How to Sign-Up / Renew Membership

There are three steps to join LA Habor Dragonboat Club:

  1. Complete Electronic Registration Form (Click Here)
  2. Complete Electronic Waiver (Click Here)
  3. Pay Annual Membership Dues: Adults $150/Youth $75 (Click Here for Zelle Information)

Contact for questions.

Member Responsibilities

  • RSVP on Team Snap before practice by 6 pm the night before practice
  • Be on time for practice – The boat WILL leave without you
  • Check Team Snap for important communications and updates
  • Sign the sign-in sheet on arrival
  • Always be courteous and friendly
  • Dispose of all trash in appropriate receptacles
  • Treat all gear and equipment with respect
  • Show good sportsmanship
  • Water shoes or bare feet (no flip-flops)
  • For Adults – If youth using campground, must use restrooms in same-gender pairs

Boating Rules

  • All boaters must wear properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard-approved lifejacket fitted with a whistle
  • Minimize talking on the boat
  • Follow the commands of the steersperson, the coach, and the lifeguard
  • If a boat swamps or capsizes, all team members must stay near the boat and wait for rescue
  • If a paddle breaks/drops in the water, do not attempt to rescue it
  • Paddle from a seated position. No kneeling or standing in the boats.
  • When the boat returns, do not get out of the boat until the steersperson instructs you to and stay next to the boat to stabilize it until all members disembark
  • All team members are responsible for the care of the boats – take down & clean-up